Do you ask any of the questions. I'll give them numbers. By the way OB, I was thinking about you today with regards to thinking in binaries... we've had those discussions, right? Or am I thinking of someone else?
Maybe 4 and 5. When I was selling insurance I didn't really have coworkers, in school I was just as likely to be let down by female group members as male, and had to take the lead most of the time anyway because of generalized apathy.
#4 - I try my best to only judge other people by the actions that I have directly observed. Sometimes by the way that someone I care about relates to them, but I try to take secondhand news with a good measure of salt.
#5 - I asked this one too much (Or a variation on it) and got myself into therapy. Now I try and be mindfully loving and not worry about it much beyond that.
And I was the person fixated on binaries yes.