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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  3517 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Your job will never love you.

This is like a collection of catharses by jilted girlfriends. "I gave her my all and she threw it all away!" Every single person quoted or mentioned sounds like an abused spouse.

    He had been assigned to Virginia to downsize the operations there, she remembered, but when that job was done, he was too. Her eyes widening in a can-you-believe-it sort of gentle parody of their shock, Beth invited me to picture the scene. “It was like, ‘We think you’re valuable enough to move you down to Virginia,’ and then, ‘Sorry, we got rid of the plant, and now you’re not valuable anymore.’

And you start with this? The axe man who comes from out of town to shut down a fuckin' factory? Destroying the infrastructure for hundreds of families and we're to be sympathetic? An efficient employer would have shut down the factory by remote and an intelligent employee would look at "we're moving you down to a division we're going to close" with suspicion, at least.

Hey, kids - I did that sarariman bullshit. 90 hours a week, fukkas. 9 months or so from being a VP of something useless until I decided "fuck this shit I hate meetings" and signed up for film school. Which I didn't get into and had to do something completely different and that worked out pretty okay, too. I haven't had a cubicle since 2007 and it's been sketchy as fuck at times but fuckin' A it's clarifying. So listen up:

YOUR EMPLOYER DOESN'T OWE YOU SHIT. It's nearly impossible to fire someone for cause anymore so they'll fire you for the fuck of it. You are worth exactly as much as the value you add to your organization and no more and the more you bust ass to add value to your organization the less value you add to anything else and you know what? If you're doing anything above and beyond what they require of you that's nice and all but if they can hire a kid fresh out of college to do the same thing for 40 cents on the dollar they'll do it in a heartbeat.

This article bugs me because it implies that your work should love you. GET A FUCKING GRIP. You do stuff for MONEY. Expecting love out of it makes you Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman only without the Lotus, the legs or the one-liners. Want security? GET A CONTRACT. No contract? KEEP YOUR OPTIONS OPEN. That job you hate that you do for money because you're afraid to do anything else? Every day you don't do something else is another day in fear and hatred. Where are you a year from now? Two? Hating your job and living in fear for two fucking years.

You NEVER want to be the one broken up with. You ALWAYS wanna be the one pulling the trigger, holding the reins, controlling the message. This passive-aggressive "your job will never love you" bullshit only serves to mask the fact that you've handed over your fucking fate to an accountant.

My old job gave me a key contributor award. Fifteen hundred bucks and a standing ovation at an all-company meeting. They held board-of-directors-level meetings about what to do about "the kleinbl00 problem" 'cuz mine was a very specific set of skills that could not be duplicated easily. I was the key man on about $23m worth of contracts and if I didn't get my shit done, shit didn't get done and penalties were paid and they needed three of me. And they had an efficiency expert follow me around asking me questions for a week and four days into it she broke down crying and couldn't tell me why and I didn't know until a week later when all of a sudden, I had 72 hours notice.

Yeah. Board-of-directors level meetings and they decided to tell me on a Tuesday that my last day was a Friday. And then they insisted I go to some fucking bar for my goodbye party and nobody fucking came.

Not even the efficiency expert.


Wake the fuck up. THEY PAY YOU. They don't owe you shit unless you get it in writing. Assume they will can your ass the minute it will save them a dime and act accordingly. Trust me on this. Your life will improve by orders of magnitude.

mknod  ·  3517 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I dont agree with your reaction to the article ( I think it was fine, and probably not as Julia Roberts as you interpreted it.


    Want security? GET A CONTRACT. No contract? KEEP YOUR OPTIONS OPEN. That job you hate that you do for money because you're afraid to do anything else? Every day you don't do something else is another day in fear and hatred. Where are you a year from now? Two? Hating your job and living in fear for two fucking years.


_refugee_  ·  3517 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    This article bugs me because it implies that your work should love you. GET A FUCKING GRIP. You do stuff for MONEY. Expecting love out of it makes you Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman

This is the point that should be made here, beyond and before any others. Why should your job love you? Why should you want it to - I suspect a world in which your job loves you would be a world in which you did not do much else.

I feel like something I have learned over the years, that is key to discussing and determining good content, is to approach by asking "well yes, but why does that matter?" For example, someone posted a comment the other day deriding articles about privilege because such articles only served to make rich whites feel aware, slightly bad, and then good about themselves for the feeling first two. I opted not to ask "well yes, but why is that a bad thing?" (Invisible follow-up question/punch: "is the alternative (that rich white kids not read such articles and thus remain wholly ignorant but at least not self-cogratulatorily 'aware' of current issues) really preferable?")

I try to apply that question to a lot I read and comment on. It helps me identify when an article's or comment's premise might be the problem, as opposed to their argument. I failed to apply it here.

I don't think your job should love you and I think trying to make it do so is a bad idea.

Then again we are also all humans and like to feel secure. We feel secure by doing things which are supposed to prove our worth, to ourselves or our employers - which I think feeds into this "kill self for work" phenomena.

People probably work a lot harder when they don't think their work loves them, anyway. It probably wouldn't help the bottom line if everyone started to feel cuddly and at ease and appreciated. I imagine many people would relax, even slack off, without the pressure of acceptance and the felt need to prove their worth each day.

elizabeth  ·  3517 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Assume they will can your ass the minute it will save them a dime and act accordingly.

Haha joke's on them: they're too busy with the internal politics and being incompetent to realize like 50% of people at my company do fuckal. They throw money out the window like crazy and are soooooo inefficient. Seriously, they have 2 times as many employees than their closest competitor and we're talking in the tens of thousands.

It's almost like a government job, except it has to actually be worse in the government...we're all fucked. But hey, it's Quebec - what do you expect?