When I was in high school I played baseball and I was a pitcher. Before every pitch I said the words "fudge factory". I had been warming up with my catcher prior to a game and made some joke (I forget the details) and the punch line had to do with the phrase "fudge factory", after the joke I was throwing strikes. Therefore, after that I always said "fudge factory" before every pitch.
Before take off and landing on a plane I make the sign of the cross. I'm not religious but I recall my mom doing it when I was a kid and since then I've always done it and I'm too superstitious to quit.
I know that all of these things are ridiculous. I know they are! To say that they bring me comfort would be a lie but to not do them would certainly make me feel uncomfortable. Better safe than sorry, I guess.
Again, don't need to hear about how irrational it is. I know, I know.
How about you sounds_sound, any superstitions? Anyone else have any irrational habits?
Me? Now that I think on it, I can't say I have any superstitions at all. In fact, I have intentionally chosen to walk under a ladder before just to thumb my nose at superstitions. I will say though, that if I had a choice between buying an apartment on the 13th floor or the 15th, it'd be the 15th everytime.