This is way too hard for me to pick just one film. Broken Flowers, Submarine are what I'm down to, while neglecting some other amazing films. But at this point my vote is for I have no idea.
I am so torn. On one hand, I completely agree with you and I love the movie and think it could get people interested in indie films if they aren't already. On the other, I think that La Haine is a very important political and social film to watch.
That's kind of why I want to avoid La Haine. Don't get me wrong, it's an extremely important film to see, but I think Broken Flowers is better for this, especially when we can view a film that opens the door to "plot is not important"-- which Jarmusch is the master of, but still have an intriguing narrative. It's something so totally unique to indie cinema because it would never work in the mainstream.
I can agree with that, I'll change my vote to Broken Flowers because I think there are other topics where we'll have a chance to watch La Haine. Also, something for the future but somehow r/truefilm has a "theater" where they occasionally have movie screenings, I wonder if we could fix something like that.
Also, something for the future but somehow r/true film has a "theater" where they occasionally have movie screenings, I wonder if we could fix something like that.
-That would be pretty kick ass.
Think I'll throw my vote with Broken Flowers since La Haine might be more suitable for another time as others have said.