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comment by Quatrarius
Quatrarius  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Bernie Sanders For President

    Step 1: reclaim representative democracy (which means the politicians represent the will of the people and not corporations)

How does this come about?

    parties and politicians should eventually be replaced by a system based on ideas themselves and a more fluid dynamic in terms of who is actually "working for the government"

How does this come about?

theadvancedapes  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    How does this come about?

There are simple policy measures that can be effectively taken if we have an aware populace with a new sense of unity around issues of socioeconomic equality. That is the point of Bernie Sanders even attempting to run for president. He isn't doing it because he wants power.

    How does this come about?

Welcome to one of the biggest problems in complex systems science.

EDIT: But to be less vague it is about opening up government policy decisions in such a way to maximise latent collective intelligence, building new trust/reputation systems for more public participation in politics, becoming experimental with the democratic process itself at different levels, developing our economy towards an abundance model, etc. It's going to be a process.

galen  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    aware populous

Sorry to 'pick on ' you specifically, but I've seen this around Hubski a couple times recently, and I feel like this needs to be made clear:

populous - adjective

populace - noun

theadvancedapes  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·  

My bad!

galen  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·  

All good, hombre!

Quatrarius  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·  

If that's what I'm getting, I'll get and be gone.

theadvancedapes  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·  

For a broad view of where I stand politically: I am a progressive socialist and anarchist. I'm not running for political office and never would (I just want a government that serves the people). If you're interested in Bernie Sanders economic agenda here is his 12-point plan. I mean I could have an interesting discussion with Sanders about details of his plan and I would probably put more emphasis on self-organization mechanisms through providing the biosocial foundation of a basic income, but I mean Sanders approach is a good first step, and he would scare too many Americans off talking about basic income.


And I have no interest in being universally likeable. I mean interact with me if you get something from it, but please don't if I'm annoying you.

Quatrarius  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'll get got by the crowd whether I speak well or not. I've gone down this shit road before on Hubski and all it leads to is more pretending. It's easier to pretend to have value by being quiet because people can't fault not speaking.

am_Unition  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  

He's not attacking you, it's all good.

I actually appreciate you teasing out specifics from him, he can be vague sometimes. And yeah, it's really dense stuff. Evolutionary anthropologists will do that to you.

Cheer up, you're one of us! :)

theadvancedapes  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Just to clarify what happened here because Quatrarius deleted his original comment. He explicitly said that he didn't like me (and that's fine) but I thought I should have at least responded. I don't want any hubski-beef and I never mean to offend anyone...

am_Unition  ·  3458 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh, I don't think anyone needs you to clear your name, Cadell.

Even when we've adamantly disagreed, you're far more than decent about it.

brings it in for a bro hug