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comment by veen
veen  ·  3348 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 4, 2015

Yesterday was amazing! I spent the whole afternoon listening and talking to CEOs and lead managers of the automotive industry about telematics (connected cars / autonomous technology). A month or two ago, I got a message on Linkedin from the CEO of a big Dutch automotive networking. He'd read my published article and wanted to invite me to his event on the topic. So I got invited and got the opportunity to talk to a lot of industry people.

Meanwhile, I also started my bachelor's thesis, which will be (surprise surprise) about autonomous vehicles. I've already written the first 10%. My goal with it is to figure out what the most likely scenarios are for the progression of the technology, and to make some early predictions about what it will mean for our mobility and environment.

Putting the two together meant that I now have multiple business cards and a possible meeting at one of the car company's EU HQ who's interested in my thesis. I also now have a ton of new insights, questions and research to do. Haven't been this excited in a while!

Only downside is that I now really don't know what I'm gonna do after I graduate this June.

kleinbl00  ·  3348 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Write a book duh.

mk  ·  3348 days ago  ·  link  ·  

That's fantastic veen. It's pretty amazing what can come from a blog post. :) There is a massive vacuum in the space of autonomous vehicles that needs to be filled, and there is tremendous opportunity there. My brother-in-law were spit-balling AV scenarios last Sunday. I'd love to hear your thoughts sometime.

    Only downside is that I now really don't know what I'm gonna do after I graduate this June.

I suspect that you are going to work it out.

elizabeth  ·  3347 days ago  ·  link  ·  

These are some good looking business cards! I always admire how you take every opportunity available, I have seriously been trying to be a bit more like that myself too and it's working great. I can't believe I didn't do it sooner. Kinda regretting all the missed opportunities now.