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comment by rezzeJ
rezzeJ  ·  3677 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Concealed Carry’s Body Count - NYTimes.com

Some alarming statistics. As a resident of the UK I'm intrinsically a little ignorant on the general social mindset of North Americans on guns. How conscious is the average person of the fact that the person right next to them could potentially be harboring a firearm? Does it cause any anxiety to you in your day to day lives? Is it something you kind of just ignore because that's how it is?

I only have a scattering of mainstream media reports to build my opinion upon, so I'd appreciate some views from my fellow Hubskiens from across the pond.

cgod  ·  3677 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Everyone I know who CC's trains at the range several times a year and are the kind of people I think of as steady and sober minded. I don't consider them a threat and if they needed to pull their gun it'd be for the right reasons. I'm sure there are a lot of Yahoo's but I don't know those people and don't keep them in mind.

ignorantcollective  ·  3677 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It might be useful to consider that you are self-selecting the pool of CC people you know, so your sample of the behaviour of CC people is 'tainted' (for want of a better word) by the choices you make in who you want to know long-term, or even well enough to be aware if they are likely to CC.

cgod  ·  3677 days ago  ·  link  ·  

For real.

ignorantcollective  ·  3677 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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_refugee_  ·  3677 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'll be honest the thought doesn't ever cross my mind. However, this may vary region to region as I believe gun use and carrying may be more popular in certain states - not to make an unbacked iudgment call, but I believe it's more common in the South.