The unofficial IRC channel has been difficult to reach. Any suggestions for an alternate?
If we are using an IRC client what details do we need for the server address and channel?
I would like details about this, because that server is run by a friend of mine and I never have any problems joining. Periodically (every few months) it goes down for a day or two before we can contact the host. I don't think that has happened recently. I have a feeling a lot of y'all's issues stem from using mibbit. But if there are legit connectivity problems, PM me and I can get them taken care of.
It wouldn't load for me on 2 different computers at 3 different connectivity locations (university computer/university wired, laptop/university wireless, laptop/home wifi). It's definitely always worked for me at least on the last one before. Can't remember the error message but like, "can't be loaded" or something.