That sounds like present reality more than a hypothetical nightmare world.Ivory Tower depicts a nightmare world in which teachers are more interested in research than in teaching, students are more interested in partying, and as a result you’ll see on sites like Rate My Professor teachers scoring through the roof because their classes are so ‘easy’.
sounds like a cool place, actually. more like a conservatory than a college.
Yeah I'd agree with you there. Seems like they're really focusing on education, rankings be damned. It's a bit of a rebellion against the current educative norm isn't it? I'd be really interested in talking to a graduate or a teacher at Shimer to better understand what they're doing / trying to do.
There are other great books schools that aren't on the list. St. John's College does really well in the college rankings. Of course college rankings are bunk, but if this school has a problem, listening to Mortimer Adler is probably not it.
The Story of Jibran Hedwig is pretty interesting.
He lived in an eco village in Missouri called Dancing Rabbit and his education consisted of him walking around the village asking people to teach him. Some of them agreed, he says, but a lot said no because they were too busy with administrative meetings, and Dancing Rabbit has a lot of administrative meetings.
Imagine living in a place like Dancing Rabbit?