No. While others don't share my opinion, I find Jack White to be massively over rated. His music just isn't good to me. Not only that, but he's a massive douche.
I completely agree with you in terms of his music. Not a White Stripes or Jack White fan in general, and definitely not for that kind money. Pabs, the only time I paid $150 for a ticket was to see Paul McCartney play Yankee Stadium.
I just want to see him get upset about something and stop the show.
I paid $100 for the arctic monkeys at MSG it was awesome cause I loved them at the time. Jack as a person really turned me off from his music recently anyway.. I think it's a no-go then.
Yeah he's a total douche. I always say if I ever met Jack White I'd shake his hand, then tell him to go fuck himself.
If you though Jack White was a douche from the beginning, then why even consider spending extra for him? I mean sure he can have solid music but if he is turning you off to the music, then don't even consider it. Without the joy of music, what else is there at a concert?