. . . I . . . see your point. I'm pretty sure that this is just what catfish eat. My ex wouldn't eat catfish for the same exact reason, but personally I am a catfish fan and will eat it 8/10 times when given the opportunity. I have this thing about eating eggs though. Corpse-eating fish are no problem, turtles are no problem, snakes are no problem, congealed blood is no problem, boiled, chopped goat testicles were . . . doable but man oh man, eggs are the grossest thing ever to me. Everyone's got their thing I guess.When an Olive Garden opened up two hours away it had a 2-month wait list.
The problem being they catch their catfish from Elephant Butte Reservoir where the catfish mostly feed on sewage and corpses.
I read the free sample and didn't go further, primarily 'cuz it was full price. As I read it, I wished it were written by Mary Roach.
It was a while ago. I attempted to read "Stiff." I didn't finish I'm pretty sure. I think my opinion of Roach suffered as I had recently read both Complications and possibly also Better by Atul Gawande and I found I enjoyed his writing style much more, while bth authors were discussing similar subject matter (bodies, medicine). The book seemed "pop"-py to me. It was not as bad as Gladwell (I read "Blink" and hated it) but I remember feeling as if the subject could have been covered better by others.
See, and I haven't read Stiff and don't want to. Packing for Mars is all I got - and it's very poppy. But it's an "everything you wanted to know about space travel but were afraid to ask" manual that spends a chapter and a half on the toilet on the space station and "poppy" is the way to go.
Complications is (somewhat sadly) definitely better than Better. There was supposed to be a third but it looks like that never came out. The Checklist Manifesto I found valuable, but it expands beyond the realm of medicine - so in that way very different from better. I would pick either Checklist or Complications, I am wondering if you would prefer Checklist because it's broader - but Complications is very good.