My sister, a meditator of a particularly exotic form, was once very excited. She announced at a family dinner that she can finally go to a 30-day retreat. She had previously been disallowed because participants could only go if they were married or had been celibate for one year. I said, "Isn't that the same thing?" So all I'm saying is that just because tng is married, it doesn't make it any easier. Especially with a recently born kid and another young'un. So _refugee_, he's at no advantage.
He isn't, but as of my last relationship I instated a minimum requirement for this kind of activity and I think I'm going to keep it. I mean, both parties agreed to the requirement and if there were extenuating circumstances (such as week-long vacations) the requirement was waived, but after a summer of sporadic activity, I decided I wanted to know with certainty that I was going to get a certain amount. And I do want to get laid a certain amount. So I think it's going to be an expectation I set with partners going forward. Of course long term relationships - especially with kids - those things waver and may not take as much priority - but I'm not there :)