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comment by ecib
ecib  ·  3823 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Can I Say?!

How has it been serving you?

Mine is in absolutely flawless condition without any maintenance at all over the years. What a tank.

It was in storage for a few of them, but I've had it back out and running for the past 5 or so. I've never even replaced the needle but I've been thinking about doing so. I've got one in my online cart on Amazon, but the stock needle is working fine so I haven't seen the real need yet.

I'd be wary of a grab too. 12's are probably the most in demand and easiest to move deck on the planet. Plus they stopped making them, so that actually bumped their value on the secondary market. I see them regularly for $500 bucks more or less. When is the last time you saw a piece of mass-produced consumer electronics lose absolutely zero value over the span of 20 years? Pretty crazy.

steve  ·  3823 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've replaced the stylus 4 times now… not because of the unit itself… my kids (like I was when I was young) are fascinated by the noises one can make when you run the stylus on the slip mat… or a finger…. or…..

anyway… needless to say - I've moved on to really inexpensive styli until the kids grow up and move out. AND I remove the whole cartridge when not in use. And the inexpensive styli sound great on my system - I don't think I have the setup to hear the difference between cheap and expensive yet.

ecib  ·  3823 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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cgod  ·  3823 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've changed my needle once and I took it to a technician once in the last 15 year's to rebalance it.

I'd suggest that you have someone who knows turntables well set it up if you chance the needle.