I'm a huge rollercoaster nerd (yes that's a thing, I recognized nearly all of the exemplary rollercoasters by name or by manufacturer) so I already knew this but it's a nice explanation. Any other enthusiasts?
Enthusiast checking in. It is a nice explanation. Something I haven't seen on the internet yet [outside of some posts about the NoLimits editor years ago] is the physics going into some of the newer elements used by Intamin, S&S, and the like.
Well, there's been a lot of work done figuring out those elements with FVD and Newton 2, as most Intamin rides are engineered based around the forces. There's a tutorial somewhere on how to create the first-drop-turn like on Skyrush and Intamin Mega-Lites, while maintaining no lats. This article just touches on the subject of rollercoaster engineering.
Well, first I was a roller coaster enthusiast (rode Drachen Fire ALONE in Williamsburg when I was 10!), then I eventually became a physicist. That link was straight up sexy. I'd actually sign a waiver to board a centrifuge where you explored the maximum amount of g-forces you were able to stomach before passing out. I wouldn't barf outside of the ride's exit, so you wouldn't need to hire additional handymen, I would have to run out of cash to leave the park. Or you'd need to drown me. COUGHROLLERCOASTERTYCOONCOUGH Cheers. :)