I'm definitely interested, but I'm skeptical. It's really easy for any organization committed to an ideal to become a circlejerk, and do much less good than it was conceived to do. Look at the various "Awareness" groups that raise tons of money, and end up only committing pennies on the dollar to actual research. I understand this is pretty far removed from 'awareness' but it carries many of the same risks. That all aside, it's nice to see people trying, if nothing else, trying to make the world better in any way they can. I do hope this succeeds, primarily to divorce large sections of the world population from the "religion=morals so no religion=no morals" concept.
Being breast cancer awareness month, your comment is well taken. I can't stand breast cancer awareness sometimes. WTF are we supposed to be aware of, exactly? That breast cancer kills people? I think pretty much everyone already knows that. Are we showing our 'support' for breast cancer research and/or survivors? What does that even mean? It's as empty as a "support our troops" bumper sticker. You know how we can support a 'cure' for breast cancer (or any other type of cancer)? How about vote for politicians who won't cut funding for research, as the federal government is the only organization with enough money to make any difference. None of these organizations wants to be "political" but they really should if they actually gave a shit about helping anyone. Throwing out members of Congress who don't support basic research is the only way to actually support cancer research. Everything else is self-congratulatory lip service. Anyway, sorry for the rant that really has not much to do with the video or your comment, but I thought it made a good platform for me to bitch.
This is one of the reasons I respect the Michael J Fox Foundation. They are all about supporting science. He goes as far as supporting politicians (regardless of party) that support stem cell research and he will call out those that don't.
>I thought it made a good platform for me to bitch. Internet in general, and no worry. I do agree though. Any organization that wants to effect change in a field where the largest contributor is the Federal Government (And whose pay is determined by Congress of all people) you should be a political organization with the goal of supporting those who vote in favor of your goals.