It's debt you have to take on in order to get a certificate that employers will accept. And you're coerced into doing a major that's possibly not what you want in order to avoid decades in poverty getting out from under that debt. I'm not sure how to be more clear.
I understand what you're trying to say, but coercion is the wrong word. you don't HAVE to do any of that. No one has a gun to your head. I'll agree that the system is broken. I won't agree that anyone is coercing you into anything. You may feel pressures from the market, or from your dreams, or from your expectations... but it's not coercion.
Coercion means more than someone having a gun to your head. Capitalism is coercive, for instance.
If you aren't able to do what you want because if you do you face poverty and things that come with it (e.g. homelessness, hunger, etc.) that's the definition of coercion.