My wife was just fired from her job, so we're going to be going to the store to get stuff for our favourite comfort foods. For us that is tomato soup, chocolate pudding, and banana muffins. What foods do you turn to when you need comfort?
HA. Try it with that yogurt and sriracha dipping sauce I mentioned. Only way I'll eat my vicodin.
I have an amazing sriracha sauce for Bánh mì and Sushi.
3 parts Mayo 1 part sriracha a few drops dark sesame oil
it will make you friends
I have sesame oil but I don't think I have dark sesame oil. Is there a big difference?
Yes, but you can use it. dark is made from roasted seeds and has a stronger flavor.
Oh man, nice scotch. I should have an emergency comfort kit with a small bottle of Lagavulin.
I'm sorry to hear about your wife's job. Often these things are mixed blessings, I hope this is the case for you two newlyweds. As for comfort food, I love Pizza. My friend cW introduced me to an amazing dipping sauce for pizza. It's simple, you take plain yogurt and add sriracha. It's a really nice dipping sauce for a number of things but I particularly like it with pizza.
another comfort food that this post coerced me in to pulling out of the freezer:
Aw yeah, though we like to use farmer sausage for a bit more flavour.
Oh this is right up my alley.
OK, here's a breakfast and dinner dish:
Fluffernutter French Toast is just what it sounds like. It's a Fluffernutter sandwich made French Toast style. For those not in the know, a Fluffernutter sandwich is peanut butter and marshmallow Fluff on Wonderbread (RIP). But, I don't like the taste of Wonderbread (RIP), so I opt for artisian bread I can buy at the local baker.
Right, onward and upward. So you make up your French Toast batter, spread some pb and fluff on two slices of bread, form a sandwich and then dip it in the batter and place it in the frying pan, griddle, etc. Let it form a nice French Toast toasty appearance on the bottom, then flip and wait for the same on the other side. The time taken to cook this French Toast will cause the PB and Fluff to melt inside. Take it off the heat and plate it and garnish with some powdered sugar. Have butter and grade B maple syrup at the side and add to taste. It's like a mouthful of heaping tasty sweet and salty gooiness in the form of French Toast. Tre awesome!
OK, so I love mac and cheese. While a kid I used to love the Kraft's box and always volunteer to make it when we had some. I soon graduated up to the fancy organic varieties and my love for mac and cheese grew even more. Then, I had some really tasty mac and cheese at a rib joint and was floored by how awesome it was compared to the stuff I made from the box. That was the lesson that brings me to why I consider homemade mac and cheese the best dinner comfort food ever.
Homemade macaroni and cheese is hands down the bomb! You can do so much with it, but I prefer to have it topped with bacon. Cheese selection is important to. I 'm not just mac with cheddar cheese guy. I look for something that makes my palette sing like Pavarotti at the Met or Cobain at CBGB's, then bake it up good like using a well used recipe that comes highly rated. During the last 10 mins of baking, I like to top with bacon. Mmmmm bacon. Pull out of the oven, let cool for 15-20 mins. Cut 2 slices out for yourself since you'll be eating 2 anyway. Eat and enjoy as your mouth does loopy dee loops that Baron Von Richtofen would be jealous of.
That's it. They're both great comfort foods and also great winter foods, too!
This thread is worthless without pix!
My comfort food: huevos rancheros, Christmas (you say that when you want both red and green chile on it), with hashbrowns and beans
Agreed on the Chinese food! In terms of comfort food Kung Pao chicken + fried rice + Wonton soup + veggie eggrolls.
Ramen noodle soup for me. Whenever I am "American food out", a bowl of steamy Ramen noodle soup can always put my stomach at ease. I remember 3 months after I came to America, mk took me to northern Michigan, where we spent an entire week in a cottage with his family. Three days past by, I started freaking out with the overload of pork roast, beef roast, bacon and so on, since that was the first time I haven't touched Chinese food for days. Not to mention that I am a borderline vegetarian since I don't like meat too much. So we ran to Walmart and bought some instant noodle, that saved my life. After that I am good with pork roast for another 3 days. Now I refuse to co-habitate with them without the instant noodle in my suitcase. It's interesting how our palates evolve, now I can have American food for a long time without a melt-down. I actually enjoy a lot of them now, still not the meaty stuff too much.
My favorite comfort food is probably 3 pounds of homemade pulled pork with a nice sweet BBQ sauce and a thick stack of garlicky, buttery, and cheesy texas toast.
Of course, to be consumed with a nice pipe filled with the dankest pipe-weed in the shire.
Any kind of ice cream is my ultimate comfort food. Chocolate milk is a nice go to as well.
Tillamook huckleberry ice cream.
Grilled cheese sandwich with a little bit of garlic.
Chips and salsa.
I'm so hungry now. I need to go get food!
Either one is a perfectly workable solution for me. It's the cheese that does it for me mostly.
On a side note, this reminded me of the greatest sandwhich I ever made:
Grilled cheese, with bacon, sriracha and garlic, cooked in the bacon grease. Oooh, just the memory stops up my arteries!
There was a time when I used to save bacon grease specifically to cook grilled cheeses and eggs. What glorious days those were. I got out of the habit because it grossed my house mattress out. Now I live with a vegetarian so its even worse. These days I only get to enjoy bacon grease delicasies when I visit my relatives in NC.
You have a house mattress? Is that like a mattress that just walks around, letting you sleep on it when the moment strikes you? Cause that'd be sweet, hook me up man!
Joking aside, I know that feeling man. I've gotten out of the habit of eating bacon (or really any hot food) over this past school year. I kinda miss it :(
I've kind of come to realize that I could eat french fries endlessly and never get tired of them. Fish 'n chips is good, but what they come with isn't even that important. If I want something satisfying that I know will be appealing no matter the mood I'm in-- french fries it is.
beef brisket slow-cooked in beer and pepperoncinis .
My mom's chicken soup (shut up you anti-Semite bastards) :)