I just invited a friend of mine to Hubski who has promised to give it a try later today -- I'll tag him once he makes an account. He is NOT a Redditor (though he lurks) or an active Twitterer, and he uses Facebook less than I do. Previously, I'd mostly invited disgruntled Redditors to Hubski.
I challenge you to think of someone who has an interesting passion (my friend's is geology as it relates to climate change, as well as indie music) who is NOT already an active social news site user, disgruntled or otherwise, and invite them to Hubski. Introduce them here, if they join.
Hey danbc, the learning curve can be steep but you are welcome to ask me any questions about functions/navigation etc. I'd be glad to help and through your questions we may be able to correct that which is confusing.
Glad to help and welcome to Hubski.
Indie music! Yay! Hopefully he'll join, that's something I could talk about for hours and it would be interested to see if he has any thoughts on the industry as a whole.
I would be hard pressed to find someone of interest that I haven't already told about Hubski. I'll think on this though, it's a fun challenge.
actually, I reached out to an old friend named "Bill". He's a teacher and an avid snowboarder. He's a smart guy, could be a good addition. We'll see if he comes by.