Happy Hump Day!
As I mentioned yesterday it's a blessed no meeting day. I'm taking full advantage of that, which means I'm making sure my goals happen, and if they're not work related, I don't give an f. :)
I also have a very exciting date for this Saturday. Since the pandemic, I've had a dearth of activities to get dressed up for. Every time one comes around now I grab it. We're going out on a double date for dinner, drinks, and to watch some fighting. If that doesn't sound more like me than any date anyone's ever heard of, please apprise yourself of my pugilistic behavior. What I'm saying is, I've been interested in going to a fight before, but I definitely wouldn't want to go to one alone! as for the guy I'm going on a date with, I've known him a long time (which is good, it's how I prefer to date). He lives in Delaware though, which means no real future potential unless he wants to move here. Hey, he does have family here. But I'm not worried about it. Do you know how long it's been since I went on a date? It was pre-pandemic.
Admittedly, I could've gone out seeking dates during the pandemic but it just didn't feel advisable. And this is still a baby date because there's really not much future cost attributed to it. But a baby date is way better than no date. And a date a guy planned, and invited me on, is like some primo level shit, ok? I'm going to wear my (NEW) russet ankle-length jumpsuit with my dark brown Calvin Klein knee high boots (real leather, of course) and I'm probably going to fucking paint my fucking nails, mother fuckers. That's right, I am not stopping at wearing makeup, we are going all the fucking way. I'M GOING TO SEE REAL PEOPLE THAT AREN'T MY FAMILY, IT WON'T BE A FUNERAL, WE WON'T BE IN A LIVING ROOM WATCHING TV, AND I AM DRESSING UP. This really is the first event like that I've had in a a year.
And then if the evening goes well (which I suspect it will -- benefits of going on a date with someone you've known for years, you kinda know if you get along already or not) I'm going to ask this exceptionally good looking man (with a home gym set up to make a girl sweat --- ((smirk emoji)) ) if he still likes going camping, because I've got a camping trip already scheduled for April and it'd be nice if I wasn't a third wheel on my own damn camping trip.
And hey, if we still like each other after going camping together for the first time, maybe he'll want to move to Virginia after all. }:-D
I'm really having an exceptionally marvelous day so, I hope some of my energy transfers on to all of you. That's right. Woo, woo, wooooooo. :)
Getting my vaccine tomorrow. Don't give a flying fuck about anything else, partially because I have been so incredibly wound up about finding a vaccine (and my wife is 10x more anxious than me), and partially because I didn't sleep much last night because I want to get the vaccine and a project at work had a major part overlooked (partially by me) that is going to cost the company $32k, but the whole deal is going to be over $400k, so it isn't fatal, but it is still "bad dog, no biscuit" bad.
And fuck it all. I'm going to go play with my new synthesizers (went for the full Native Instruments Komplete 13 and S49 MKII integrated keyboard controller), and make awesome soundscapes for any future Blade Runner movies anyone ever wants to make and have me score...
The house was left in a terrible state, including two broken windows and the aftermath of it. Gonna change most of those wooden floors, too. Fortunately, barring the heat pump, there's nothing I can't fix on my own, but it'll take a couple more weeks before I can move in. Or, frankly, stay inside without being weirded the fuck out about all the mold. Fucking hell, the fact my mother would rather let it degrade like that than give it under my/brother's care. Also, I cannot find most of the stuff I left there, from diaries to trophies, so that's cool.
It's pretty fucking busy between that and PhD-ing, is what I'm saying. Good thing meds keep working top-notch, and I like working with my hands or figuring out shit like that. Takes out most of my energy, but that's probably for the better. I'd waste it on re-learning 64-bit assembler or whatever other random project pops to mind.
I've been a bit quiet lately, settling into new routines with the house and just enjoying our own leisure time.
Lots of playing Stardew Valley on the Switch -- the local multiplayer and 1.5 update have been great and the wife and I connect well over games like this -- feel very loved at the moment being able to spend time with her in a way we both appreciate.
Really good news for my boys, both have gotten into the schools that we wanted for them -- this move has just been rewarding for us y'know?
Both my parents are first dosed! Pfizer :)
My new work is going good so far. It's challenging enough to be interesting, easy enough to feel i'm doing good work. But i'm only in the first few week, I hope I don't loose steam and motivation.
I remember my first (an only) office job at a bank back in university, I felt terrible because I as so INCOMPETENT. With time, i realize i was a dumb shit, but also that noone set any clear expectations or had time to show me how things are done and i was stuck in a loop of them being frustrated with my work, me feeling i'm not doing it right but also not knowing how to fix it. My project was an afterthought and people were already busy with their own stuff. And my project was an anomaly, where I was the only person responsible for it, wedged in between 2 departments in the banking world.
Weather is turning in Montreal, we had a few really nice days already. So nice I inadvertently caught a mini sunburn. Can't wait for more park hangouts and chalets!