- no but really, it's like I don't know where the line is between "too much" and "not enough" anymore. ahhhhhh.
"Hey, I get off work early tomorrow. You free for coffee?"
If she says "Yes," great.
If she says no cause she's busy but wants to make plans for something else, great.
If she says no cause she's busy and doesn't offer an alternative, extend another invitation early next week. If the same thing happens again, try once more. If you get the same reault, move on.
What you think is "Not Enough" is probably plenty. Avoid excessive digital communication as much as possible during early dates. Its way more likely to hurt you than it is to help you. Digital communication often lacks context and gets you into trouble because you have a poor feedback mechanism. In person its way easier to calibrate your communication.
Yeah, that's the reasonable thing to do rd95 but can't you see that I'm not in a reasonable state of mind!
Mostly just want to hear from her, but she seems like a very "in the now" kind of person and our in-person conversations are ridiculously more captivating and engaging than our electronic conversations.
So you're like, saying I should, like, talk to her today, or something.