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hubskier for: 3531 days
It gains traction by having good grip.
Nope! I agree with what you said. My mind controls my body, but the universe controls my mind. I'm as responsible for my actions as the universe is for putting me here.
The Northern Lights are beautiful. I see them when I drive home from work at night during the colder seasons. Do you have any idea what countries you'd like to visit?
I like the way you think! I'm totally with you on eclipses and touring Japan. That country is fascinating.
I think making a bucket list is just an efficient way to write out your interests. It can give you something to work toward and look forward to, even when you are in a good place in life. I soo want an entertainment (i.e. listening) room. Some sort of setup built around my computer, I guess. I haven't figured that one out yet. How have you changed with what you want for a house? Do you now want something bigger? Smaller?
Oh I would love to go backpacking. It would be such an adventure. What if you could backpack abroad using a second language? That would be so exciting!
Go skydiving into an off-grid area in South America, then write a book about it.
All noble goals, I see.
I definitely agree with you on the language one. Japanese is my target, but it's still a long ways away. Learning languages is more fun than I had thought, so I am excited for the payoff. For traveling? I'm not so sure. I definitely want to, of course, but I have no idea where to go. Like you said, a big goal of mine is to be able to rely on myself, so I try to keep tabs on my income and spending. I also have some more miscellaneous things like being able to solve a puzzle cube or doing yoyo tricks. :)
This makes me wonder if I will be attending my class reunions in the years to come. I'm not particularly fond of anyone there, (given that I jumped at the chance to leave early) but it might be good to see people that I've known for 14 years.
Ugh. Origami is so interesting to look at. I envy those with such creativity.
Why do you think they're pushing so hard for the ridiculous privacy overhaul? Seeing these things only makes me want to move over to Linux.
I don't think many countries actually need more children. What we need is cheaper adoption systems. This Earth has enough people.
I am actually just starting to learn Japanese. Learning a language certainly requires a lot of motivation.