How did you get over heartbreak - did you take action or just wait it out?
I was in a long relationship prior to meeting my wife. It was about 4 years of my life, 3 of them living together. Funny, that it seemed like such a long time together when we parted ways, now it seems like a small little sliver of my life. Anyways, when we broke it off I was pretty devastated. Partially because of all the routines but mostly because of our sex life. To "get over" it I focused on bettering myself. I became more ambitious career wise and I started exercising and eating more healthily. I lost about 20lb's within a couple of months and felt great. I think break-ups can be some really great self-improvement motivators. -Very fertile ground for some giant personal-growth spurts.
I couldn't agree with you more on the sex life part. Kinda hard to get over being so intimate with someone for so long and then not having them there anymore... I also agree with breakups being an excellent motivator for personal growth. It took me a while to get used to not having a girlfriend or being in a relationship, but I eventually got over it -- with time, although I used that time more destructively, rather than constructively, I learned, and now I'm a slightly better person.
My first instinct after the breakup was to be very destructive. I partied very hard and I hooked up with girls I'd always wanted to. It wasn't very fulfilling though. Eventually I started running, I started making music for the first time in years and I started reading more. Eventually, I came out on top. You're right though, it's so hard to move on when you've been that intimate with someone. In fact, although we were broken up, for about a month afterwards we would still meet up to have sex. Then eventually, it all just stops.