- Black children represent 18 percent of preschool enrollment but make up 48 percent of preschool children receiving more than one out-of-school suspension, according to the study released by the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights in March.
My brother is 8 and was expelled this past year for "scaring his teacher." I behaved far worse when I was his age and was punished accordingly; but I never missed a single day of school for it. Honestly the teachers and other school staff are just to scared of parents reacting to their punishment to dole out anything that will make an impact. And don't even get me started on how parents view their children these days...
How is a 3-year-old a "danger to staff?" I have kids and cannot understand this. It's a 36-pound human being, with two hands any reasonably sized adult could throw it over an 8-foot fence with ease. Like saying you were mauled by a Guinea pig. Danger to staff, Jesus Christ on a cracker. Change schools, lady. Fight the system some other way.
Hm. Hey forwardslash or whoever else, any idea why I didn't get a previously submitted notification when I tried posting this? The only difference is a "?hpid=z1" at the end of the url of the one I submitted, guess that's enough to throw it?
your URL http://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2014/07/24/my-son-has-been-suspended-five-times-hes-3/?hpid=z1 The other URL http://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2014/07/24/my-son-has-been-suspended-five-times-hes-3/ Not exact match. That's my guess.
Yeah, I noticed those two things. I wasn't sure if it had to be an exact match or how exactly that notification gets triggered. The more you know.
The only part of the URL that the dupe filter should ignore is the anchor segment. Perhaps the protocol as well. Not sure if hubski can handle user/pass, I should try it...
Web servers will ignore unrecognized query arguments and often they are used for weird purposes that aren't user-visible. When I submit a link, I chop off the question mark and everything after, if the link still works that way. protocol://user:pass@example.com/path/to/file.txt?query=var&this=that&one=two#anchor