Funny thing, I was raised by a mother who told all my relatives not to compliment me on my appearance because she didn't want me to value looks. This is not the way to go. (I think you mixing it up is a better/the best approach.) Unfortunately when you tell someone not to comment on looks, this usually twists into "don't compliment them on their looks, but you can call them out if you think they are scruffy/overweight/unkempt etc." Hello, complexes... ;) All better now, no worries.
I NEVER want to focus on "weight" but I do want to always focus on health. Being inactive will not be tolerated in our house. Life's too short. Keep in mind that I consider writing, playing music, playing tennis, running, painting etc all "activities" worth pursuing. It's funny how you don't know what your child will end up like. You essentially have till they are about 7 years old to shape their path -Watch this.
I asked my parents if having kids was like, a cool little biological experiment where you get to mix your genes and then watch how they express in your kids. Like if you get to watch your kids and see your mannerisms in them, etc. My parents said, "No, not really." Haha.