This is the island:
We have a cottage in the bay, and I've been going to the island since I was a few years old. I put a geocache on it.
It's hostile. The beach is all large rock, and 4 miles from the mainland, you can get stuck out there in bad weather.
We watched this NYT reported being shuttled out there. My uncle had related losing his underwear in the surf the day before to the reporter, and I hoped that would make it into this article.
He trusted a guy named "Forbes McDonald" and ended up owning an island?! Cool article though. I like looking up these artist residency things, even if most of ones aimed at writer-types tend to be populated by (as my friendly neighbor put it) "a bunch of people who look like they have leukemia."
Yes, definitely. What a cool guy for even putting up with that. And this: Not everyone is cut out to poop in a hole and that's cool, but it's a little strange to me that artists of all people would decided to spend time on an undeveloped island for a retreat and want to stay so connected to the world. It seems contradictory, but then, it's easy to wish to stay comfortable, especially when one has the means to do so. In my experience though, comfort can really smother the creative spark.There was so much Patagonia clothing on display, the campsite looked like a catalog shoot. And the focus seemed to be as much on the battery life and reception of Apple devices as on creative projects. At one point, Ms. Lee grew frustrated trying to upload a photo of a double rainbow to Instagram.
Cool story. Getting out there - and staying out there - seems to require a lot of hard work and endurance, yet absolutely irresistible.