It's a fantastic series and it's LOOOONG. You get to see an 8 years of presidential life from start to finish and not always with the same president and by the time it's over, you really feel like you've been a fly on the wall for it all. BUT... you can literally watch the previously on the West Wing intro and pick it back up if need be. There are some really great character arcs and some wonderful performances.... I'm looking at you Allison Janney, and President Bartlett will make any real politician you ever come across pale in comparison. Check it out if you've not already.I've been looking for semi-mindless yet still enticing and entertaining television that I won't feel bad if I fall asleep during or have a significant time gap between episodes. Any recommendations? I've never heard of Gravity Falls but the reviews make it seem just interesting and entertaining enough to work.
For my money, a series that is absolutely worth getting in too but isn't overly cerebral or attention needy is The West Wing. Now, before AlderaanDuran get's dissapointed in me (he is who introduced me), let me explain.
Hmmmm, I've been hearing a lot of good things. Especially in reviews about The Newsroom where apparently people want The Newsroom to be The "New" West Wing. I do enjoy longer shows. I especially loved "The Practice" which was my previous turn on an episode before bed and it's okay if you don't remember or fall asleep. I might have to check it out.
Check it out, but be warned. It's SUPER long and it's addictive. You end up staying up till 4am just to see a plot line run it's course. You ever watch Battlestar Galactica? I know it's "nerdy," but it's some of the best TV I've ever seen. It pretty much needs your full attention though.
There is no 4am in my life anymore unless it's when I get up to finish a project sober before work. Insomniasexx is officially dead - it's now officially 9pm_or_before_sexx. I put the TV in our bedroom on sleep for 1 hr and I don't think insomsbf or I have watched the TV go to sleep yet. If I were to build an app, it would be one that would tell when you fell asleep and note that timecode in the TV show or movie you are watching so you could start it up at that point the next day. The only thing more annoying than skipping through a show to find the spot you left at, is hopping into bed to realize you watched another 15 minutes but you're already cuddly in bed and too lazy to find the real spot.
If I were to build an app, it would be one that would tell when you fell asleep and note that timecode in the TV show or movie you are watching so you could start it up at that point the next day.
I like it. How would it know when you fell asleep? I see the need for sure, just not the mechanism by which to satisfy it.
When the snores/farts start? I'm not sure. I know there are apps and devices that measure sleeping patterns although I have no idea how they actually do it. Here's some more well-known ones. Complex technology and science and analytics = critical acclaim, fascination, pushing the human race forward, personal satisfaction. Use of that technology to solve a first world problem = $$$.
If you liked The West Wing, you might be interested in a terrific Danish series (subtitled) called "Borgen". Really good, a fictionalised version of the administration of Denmark's first female PM.
Thanks for the suggestion Brian. I'll see if it's on NetFlix US.