From my experience Gantz's method is somewhat more merciful than the standard way of producing a novel.
This was fantastic, thank you for sharing. The whole time I was expecting some kind of deep, philosophical exchange to happen between the two and it just took a total 180, I was cracking up. Is it bad that as a writer I wish something like this existed? You know, without the whole 'turn your body into a dried up husk' part. The horrific purple vomit, I can deal with.
Where do you find this stuff? (or is that just another version of the Dreaded Question?)
I was going through my saved links on Reddit while mixing idiots at 4am.
Oh. The good ole days reddit. I just found these in my saved. Wow. Remember when 1000 comments was an absolute fuckton? Most profound picture This one is just random and weird and has poop and is funny and I have no idea
Ha, the only thing I have saved is a kleinbl00 post. This was a thread discussing a PR and Advertising firm's created an open contest in which anyone who makes the front page of reddit, and provides proof, could do an interview with them. And bl00 chimed in.
Thanks KB.
Reminds me of watching Margaret Atwood in conversation with Stephen King at the International Festival of Authors a few years back. She asked the dreaded question, "Stephen, where do you get your ideas."
Stephen King: "I just make this shit up." I'm inclined to agree with the "canned" response from the author in the cartoon: "my work is born from a stew of research, personal experience, and the influence of authors I cherish" and everything else in the stew.