Eek-A-Mouse - Wa-Do-Dem
This whole album is a good beach album. The Bambi Molesters - MalagueƱa
Also from a good beach album.
My roommate in college drove a yellow VW Bus and always blasted Eek-A-Mouse while driving around town. By association, I have a hard time listening to it anymore. Plus, to begin with he has a pretty distinctive voice that you either like or don't like. I tend to fall in the "don't like" category. More than a couple of songs and it's like nails on a chalk-board for me. I hadn't heard the Babmi Molesters though, I dig it. Very Dick Dale, surfer-esque. It begs for summer.
Ah. See, in regard to Eek-A-Mouse, I have positive associations due to some particular beach days when it was the only music we had, for whatever reason. I don't think I'd play any particular song or album of his more than a few times in a given week, but it does make me think of summer.