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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  3973 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Patton Oswalt | A CLOSED LETTER TO MYSELF ABOUT THIEVERY, HECKLING AND RAPE JOKES

I don't think I've ever seen any of his stand up but I've read a few of these blog posts of his and I enjoy them. They're entertaining and I get some insight in to the world of standup comedy that otherwise I would be oblivious to.

If you've not seen his Star Wars Fillibuster, it's pretty remarkable. Check it out.

sounds_sound  ·  3973 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Feelin' Kinda Patton is the name of the album he recorded at the 40 watt. It was on HEAVY rotation with my brother and I back in A2. Chrissy used to get pissed at me for saying "GAAAAYYYY" - a direct rip from that album. Needless to say, I recommend it. The beginning starts with a fast shoot from the hip style comedy, but he finishes with some of the most brilliant long winded characterization/situation type comedy that's been released in the last few decades. "Robert Evans", "Tom Carvel", and "Oil paintings" are Patton at his absolute best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkN226PToig

pseydtonne  ·  3964 days ago  ·  link  ·  

The first time I popped that CD into my car was a few days after I broke up with my fiancee. I was driving home when the Robert Evans bit came on.

I was laughing so hard that I couldn't see. This is a bad thing on route 128 (the major orbital expressway around Boston).

That album got me through one of the hardest years of my life since college ended. If I ever meet Patton Oswalt again, I really should have a nice gift ready for him. He's definitely on my Jackson List.

Jackson List: people I'd hand a $20 bill (president Andrew Jackson's bill) if I ever met them on the street. I wouldn't even say much else: "you're Blah Blah? Your X really spoke to me. Here, have a nicer dinner. You're more than worth it." When I was poorer, I'd give those people snacks. Now I can give them straight cash and not waste their creative time.

thenewgreen  ·  3961 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I think a hand shake and a thank you might go over better than handing someone $20. Just a thought.

I know what you mean about an artists work helping you through something. I dated a girl for 5 years and when we broke up, I was all discombobulated. That's when I discovered Wilco and really dove in to their music. Songs like Via Chicago with it's lyrics I dreamed about killing you again last night and it felt alright to me really stood out. Also, I should mention that the you in that lyric never seemed like it was someone else but rather "me". Anyways, art has a great capacity to either divert our attention away from our current suffering or to give it a voice when we can't.

I think I will have to check out that Patton Oswalt CD now.