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comment by AlderaanDuran
AlderaanDuran  ·  4261 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: reddit post summing up what you should actually think about GMO

But even non GMO crops use pesticides, different types of fertilizers, and a varrying nature of chemicals. Those are things that aren't labeled either, that could theoretically be dangerous. So why are people starting with GMOs and raging so hard over them, when people have been putting chemicals on and into everything we eat for decades now? That's the part I don't get. Labeling, I understsand, but I don't understand why people think that GMOs are the worst things out there that should be labeled. A non GMO crop treated with chemicals or imported from a country where the pesticides aren't regulated is far scarier to me than eating GMO food.

My only point is people freak out about labeling when it comes to GMOs, but no one says anything about labeling food in general for details like chemicals used and things that could be far more dangerous and detrimental to our lives. So if everyone is so concerned about rights to information, why only bring this up when it comes to GMOs and not food in general?

It just seems overly hypocritical to me of the GMO bashing/circlejerk that has swept the internet. Why did everyone start caring what's in their food now that Monsanto is the enemy of the moment?

b_b  ·  4261 days ago  ·  link  ·  

If the people wanted to start a ballot initiative to force foods to be labeled with which pesticides were used in their cultivation, then that should be their right. When the GMO initiative came up in CA, agribusiness spent tons of money to ensure that they weren't forced to label their products. That is antidemocratic. Again, I'm not arguing that GMOs are good or bad, just that we the people have a right to information, and should be granted what we demand without being slaves to corporate interests.

The supreme court recently ruled that drug companies have the right (under the first amendment) to find out which doctors are writing which scripts. True story. "Free speech" for corporations goes so far as to let companies access certain supposedly private medical records. However, it never goes the other way. Information is too dangerous for the masses, but never could be abused by the corporate interests. I don't really give a shit about GMO, but I really care about free access to information. If the people demand it, they should be granted without interference from the moneyed.