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comment by silenti_etc
silenti_etc  ·  4311 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski Pen Pals

I did pen pals when I was younger with peoples from Japan, Taiwan, Florida, Indonesia, and other places. With the age of email, that kind of died out I guess. But I really do miss connecting with random people. I mean, the age of the 'chat room' has come and gone and the internet has now gone towards communicating people you already know (FB). I'd really like to do some communicating with new people :)

Age 37 Male Location: New Zealand

So, yeah, I'm in...

thenewgreen  ·  4311 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Well said. I'm pretty excited about this. Great idea BLOB_CASTLE. lil, did you see this post? You strike me as someone that would make a great pen-pal.

lil  ·  4311 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I did see it and even shared it early on. I didn't sign up because I didn't think I could keep it up -- but it is nice to get snail mail. It's even a smidge nicer than being distracted by a "you were mentioned" note from Hubski. A few years back, I signed on to http://www.postcrossing.com and they still miss me. What I have been loving is receiving from and sending books to hubski persons. I received a wonderful book from phree -- just because I showed an interest in an author! and recently sent one to Meriadoc who was asking for a good read a while back. I have more books that I'd love to pass on, if I ever get around to cleaning up. (Talk to you soon TNG, I will listen to the secret podcast tonight... I'm looking forward to it.)