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- “When we think about [employee] needs at Google, we think less about how old you are that we do about your particular cluster of needs,” Bock says. “For someone who fits a certain profile—say, an aging parent to take care of, or kids or grandkids to support–whatever your cluster of needs are, we do our best to discern the best package of perks and programs to meet them.”
Shared with me in PM by gordonz88
Hey google, you hiring?
glitchinthematrix · 4355 days ago · link ·
So amazing. I read somewhere that Google employees make the company something like 800,000 -- 1,000,000 USD in revenue. Google does it best to recruit and retain the best, but many stay for only a few years and go on to do bigger and better things, so the odds of an employee dying on Google time are very small. I'm really glad to see they go out of their way to help their employees needs -- they realize that their people have lives outside of work, and often times, it is that life which can determine the quality of work that you do.