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comment by glitchinthematrix
glitchinthematrix  ·  4079 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Don’t Call Introverted Children ‘Shy’

I am sensitive to peoples "energies" per se. Given that you're more extroverted, you will be more inclined to be social. You'll go with the eb and flow of social situations, and I'm sure you manage that well. I had to work a little harder to try and understand emotions, facial expressions, attitudes and tone of voice, behaviors and mannerisms. I find these to be very helpful in gauging other people. Maybe I am over analyzing, but I really just sit back and observe. Some people I'll approach, others probably not, but that depends on the situation.

And thank you! I find Hubski to be much more refreshing and substantive than Reddit. Although the subreddits are what make reddit, it seems that those, too, are filled with nonsense.

thenewgreen  ·  4078 days ago  ·  link  ·  

My daughter is 2. When she is put in to a social setting she steps back and analyzes the setting for a good long while. Then she jumps in there and is extremely social. My point is that she seems to be extremely introverted and analytical at times and then at others extremely extroverted. I wonder if we have a greater capacity for all of these personality indexes when we are that young but then eventually one of them becomes more dominant?

Also, I'm glad you enjoy it here, thank you for the positive feedback.

glitchinthematrix  ·  4078 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Being introverted doesn't necessarily translate into being less social. This video goes into some depth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnZE8bNbLZU

Introverts really just need time to asses, and recharge. She's two, she'll to go through her self-identifying process that normally occurs in the teen years, and you might then get a clearer picture of her personality type.

thenewgreen  ·  4071 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'd like to think that I'm an ENTJ that has developed all 4 functions nicely and am relatively well-rounded.

But who knows, I could be way off base there. Thanks for the link.

cgod  ·  4078 days ago  ·  link  ·  

My kid does the same thing, I don't know how much it defines how they will act down the line, it will be interesting to see how she develops. The more foreign a situation is too her the longer it takes her to get involved.

I know that I was extremely extroverted until I was about 7 or years old and then things that happened to me make me become extremely introverted and shy. Many years down the line I think I cross between the two state depending on weather I think that a social interaction will be fun or profitable.