I'm about to start recording music with a girl I met down here that has a gorgeous voice and is a violinist/cellist/pianist. -I'm really excited about it. I miss creating with other people.... A LOT. I've got a 2 hour drive tomorrow with my pal Avey Tare. Thanks.
Looking forward to offline talks. Wouldn't want a paper trail. And who really knows about the people who hold the keys to this website. Might be of the deranged varietal.
I've been listening to Joe Strummer lately, Fleet Foxes, The Dears, Dire Straits per NotPhil, Willie Nelson's Stardust, Wilco's The Whole Love, and a lot of Belle and Sebastian's The Life Pursuit -My daughter likes that album. Not a whole lot of "new" music which is why I appreciate the recommendations. Oh, lot's of Field Music too. I love that band.