As a European who had previously looked down on the US beer industry - you export Bud/Miller/Coors - I was pleasantly surprised how many excellent small breweries there are when I did a coast to coast road trip last year. I can't see any reason why decent whiskey can't be brewed outside of Scotland.
American beer is amazing. But sadly, what we export in beer is exactly what we export in culture: mass produced garbage, an image rather than a product. The cottage beer industry has grown dramatically here in the last couple decades. Its one of the most positive developments of American production recently. I can walk to at least four breweries from my house; I'll never take that for granted.
I've been reading about this place for some time now. I can't wait to try their booze. Last I read they will have a late spring/early summer coming out party. I do love rye, the "other" whiskey in America (besides bourbon) that seemingly no one gives a shit about.
We only export it because your yobs want it! Amusingly Coors was geographically restricted for years and there was quite an industry moving it (semi) illegally across state lines. You may have hear of "Smokey and the Bandit." That was Coors. -XC PS - There is plenty of crap beer brewed even in great drinking countries. You could probably name a few in England, Belgium, or Germany. I know I could.
and England has lots of yobs that rely on cheap terrible beer to get them in the mood for a fight. Seriously though, I have noticed much more decent US beer coming over here now though. It's just a shame about the price they charge for it being 'specialist'/imported beer.
I'm so glad to hear this, I'll have to see if any of these malts make it to my local liquor stores.