Looks like a great concept, but I'm not sure if it can carry the whole film.
Here's the actual trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3ErWNBX9Rc It looks pretty promising to me.
The book was based off an early short story that the author wrote, called "I am a Zombie filled with love". Unfortunately, the site that it was hosted on (the author's blog) seems to be down. If you can find it, it's a fun read.
This seems great, but it it a joke narrative, as in the person before they died, or is the zombie actually self aware?
I definitely agree. It will probably be worth it to give this one a chance. On another note, what's the deal with all the zombie movies now? they're starting to get a bit over done.
My friend told me of a terrible movie that was to come out soon that was basically the equivalent to a "Zombie Twilight" and to prepare for the worst... But after I saw the trailer for Warm Bodies in theaters and actually enjoying it, I feel like there may be some hope for it, as long as they play their cards right. The trailer was honestly pretty funny so I'm looking forward to how they're going to make the movie. A comedy wouldn't be a bad choice.