It's going how you should have thought it would.
edit: oh right, I'm not a clickbaiter! sometimes you forget. "The Line" is going VERY badly.
I'm sorry but fundamentally it doesn't make sense. The ultimate design, imho, is approaching a sphere or ellipsoid, and existing megacities already have the jump. Go to Manhattan, if you never have, and it's not the end times, and you want to experience this approximately. hah
Also, not impressed by this production team. Multiple mistakes. Misleading, at times, the social housing in Rome thing was kinda weird. Bad graphs for representing data.
But look I'm gonna ruin this one for you; The Line isn't really going to ever meaningfully happen. That's not this world! sorry (sorry again!!)
I think the bird migration chokepoint thing pisses me off the most. Is it played up? Yeah, it might be?. But I've not seen of the birds from my childhood here anymore. Scissortail. Roadrunner. But that's b/c pesticides, not a mirrorwall. I think we've even killed off the scorpions from my childhood, like on a multiple-county-wide scale. Nobody EVER talks about scorpions here anymore. And they did when I was a kid, like all the time.
That's a rather terse way of putting it in your own words. I’m not sitting through 22-minute homework; unless, of course, there's a membership-length double standard at play. Such illustrious community is surely above it. The fundamental flaw of The Line’s design is that almost any other geometric configuration would be superior. Urban infrastructure--water, sewage, power, transportation, logistics, even basic services like mail and childcare--functions more efficiently and with greater resilience in a compact, adaptable layout. A rigid, linear city introduces needless complexity, multiplies failure points, and ignores centuries of urban planning in favor of a gimmick. Like that time the internet lost its collective shit over architects, if you could call them that, who wanted to dangle skyscrapers from orbit. But, practicality was never the point. This is a monument to ego, built not for livability but to flatter the vanity of petro-rich chasing a 'legacy' through grandiose, impractical spectacles. Feasibility and utility are afterthoughts, what matters is that it looks like an achievement, even if it’s an unworkable, status-marking waste of good desert. The fact we're even talking about it tells them it's money well spent.
Sounds like it was designed by people who played Sim City on cheat mode in the 90s.
This is more insightful than you know. MBS was a chubby bookish kid playing Age of Empires out in the hinterlands when he realized there was an opportunity so he arranged a trail of dead between him and the throne. He was something like thirteenth in line, and there were something like 400 other princelings at his rank, and now he's the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. So the first thing to take from that is that MBS is an autodidact. What moves he's made he learned from video games. The second thing to take from that is the autodidact outmaneuvered the fucking CIA. The other elephant in the room is that our petroleum economy cannot last forever, and MBS is 39. He likely has exquisite insight into the state of Saudi oil production and by extension and espionage, the oil production of much of the rest of the Arabian peninsula. The task, then, is to give the rest of the world a reason to care about the Arabian peninsula when the oil is gone. What's the quote? "If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem." - J. Paul Getty The way to look at petrostate megaprojects is as lures for foreign investment. There's no reason for Las Vegas to exist, and yet there it is. Las Vegas will exist in a hundred years. So will Baku. Dubai didn't exist thirty years ago - will it exist thirty years from now? Depends on how much foreign investment can be attracted. And if you're MBS, you can turn on the "authoritarianism" and "slavery" cheat codes. And it's hard to argue with a guy who (A) can disappear you (B) is where he is because he beat the experts. The fundamental model for life on the Arabian Peninsula has been "coastal or else." There's only so much coast. The techbros are all about mars colonies and shit; an Arabian Desert colony is fuckin' easy mode compared to that. The WHOLE point is to get enough crazy-ass early buy-in to push the project over into "it's cheaper to complete it than abandon it" at which point you're a visionary. From an urban planning standpoint it's a dumb fucking idea. Anyone disputing that is either clueless or cloaking their agenda. From a Civ VI wonder-building standpoint it increases your prestige and you can always suppress your citizens or start a war to buy yourself some time and everyone else is an NPC anyway.
It's not money well spent, but I agreed with everything else you said. Sorry, I have edited the text since you might have started. I am so sorry. mods are asleep edit: no, the mods are cool, the issue is /u/am_Unition