I'm going to task my sister, who contracts for your city government as an urban planner, with giving me a breakdown of your neighborhood.
Best of luck.
^^ minor comedy
But also, 'grats on the house. Now when you look at kleinbl00's water damage restoration project, you can feel terrible new things, as a homeowner!
No kidding? Your sister is an urban planner for Melbourne City Council? There's a non zero chance she's a colleague of a friend of mine.
Yep, no kidding! Nothing would surprise me less than finding out our circles meet pretty quick in that network. Play a game of find-the-Texan. edit: Kindly requesting, please don't name her here, if you find her. But I will tell you, and this is true, her secret codename is "Betsy"
I will certainly not identify your sister if I learn of or encounter her. Is she actually living in the boundaries of the City of Melbourne LGA? I hope she's staying away from the Docklands.
She's got an apartment somewhere in a mid-town-like area, not urban center, but probably not far. Definitely far within any city limits. She recently got permission to have a dog, which is not easy while working on a visa, but she's been there about a decade now and is on the path to citizenship.
My wife and I are planning on getting divorced, my wife will marry my sister while claiming me as a dependent and we'll all be Australian! Should work perfectly. This paragraph is a joke, don't worry.
At some point you should come visit her. Melbourne - and particularly Collingwood - has excellent bars and I'm something of an expert guide.
Oh, I will! It's to my shame that I haven't made it there yet. I wish my main work project had a group somewhere on the continent, I'd have been there by now. edit: It's not that I value work over my sister, but since she comes back here every year or so to visit her entire past, the impetus for me getting there is lower. I do miss her. But me visiting Melbourne proper will probably be two or three years at the most from today, provided it's possible.
Would love to make hubski meetups international (again?).
If you get to Toronto this autumn, I'm going to visit my aunt and uncle there, that'd do it to cement the trip. That's a promise.
Stay well. edi(c)t: and don't say that, dude, jesus
p2p meatspace buff.
What do we call it? It should be a meaningless amalgamation. (decent word)
So the best wordthing I came up with (maybe) was about a decade ago and it was hyper-meta-pan-omni-ism but that was before Facebook did "meta". And I named a bunch of wrapper scripts "meta_" as a prefix before Facebook did "meta". I don't know how the people who got the scripts perceive that nowadays, I've never asked.
We are doing the latin thread here now.!
My sister gets cagey after a few days with me, you'll never make it, I'll get you out of here, after making you want to desperately get out of here.
- We are doing the latin thread here now.!
OK, and like all Latin users throughout history, let's actually talk about Greek.
Well, 'hyper' usually means over or beyond or across with the genitive and about a bazillion things when with accusative: exceeding the measure, over a place, higher-or-equal than, preceeding... It's like overcomplicated Latin super, which usually means 'above' regardless of context.
Meta, as a prefix with short e, can mean 'concerning a set (like community or herd or tools)', 'behind', or - because classical languages hate consistency - 'ahead of'. It's one of those "just keeps getting more contextual meanings with every text" words. EDIT: I think it can also mean 'about'? Both as in "let's talk about it" and "about yey big", like latin circa.
Omni is just a nice Latin adjective, means 'everything', 'whole' or 'all', depending if joined singular or plural/collective noun. It's similar to Greek pan, which has an added meaning of all-encompassing or combining quality.
Unless I got confused by my own word salad, which is likely, 'beyond of all combined everythings, ahead before everythings over all' would therefore be hyper-meta-pan-omni, hyper-meta-omni-pan-omni
EDIT2: Thanks, I really needed some impromptu fun today.
this is one of the best places on the internet.
and that's other peoples' bad.
Hubski has "the best, greatest people, frankly", people are saying (me). sorry, I treat posts like a marble volume that I'll chisel at for a few minutes, mostly to not check the news. Blob probably inspired the sculpting analogy.