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comment by am_Unition
am_Unition  ·  41 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: OMB Memo freezing $3 Trillion in federal grants

I'm immensely relieved that a judge has blocked this for now.

The only thing I would point out: It's useless to spend more than just a few minutes deliberating the initial intent or possible evolution of this entire spectacle, what with the game of stupidtelephone that necessarily takes place between the Trump people.

Trump's executive will try to wear down any resistance to total budgetary control through the courts, regardless of anything else, but, and correct me if I'm wrong, no one still really knows much about this recent situation besides "individual grants will be covered, for now" or something like that? And if push comes to shove, if Trump glows a gasket about something, (and no one will believe this) the Trump people will break the law. One way is that they'd simply refuse to comply with judge's orders and rulings. The top court in the land said it was fine, actually. Cue another round of people unreasonably surprised when that threshold is breached. "Wow, that judge said to pause all construction on The Camps, but Trump just said 'no don't stop building'! Who does he think he is?? That's against the law"

Hope everyone's ok out there!

kleinbl00  ·  41 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I have wrapped my head around everything with two vocab words and a quote. Neither of these words are ones I had been comfortable using prior to the Trump Administration. Both of them give me a handle on things, maybe they will do the same for you. The quote we'll save for last.

The first vocab word is kayfabe. Let's use it in a sentence, courtesy Wikipedia:

    I remember the guy who would bring our jackets back to the dressing room. Every time he did, someone would yell "Kayfabe." ... Then one night, the guy decided to stand up for himself and told the whole dressing room: "I don't mind the yelling, but I want to let you know that my name is not Kayfabe. It's Mark." ... What he didn't know is that wrestlers called people outside of the business "marks"—that's why we were yelling kayfabe in the first place.

Apparently nobody knows where the word came from, which is apt. Words without etymology end up as words without clear definitions, which is perfectly appropriate for kayfabe. Fundamentally it's a performance with no clear audience. It's a shared consensus unreality for purposes of career advancement - sure, "entertainment" but if your career is a pro wrestler and if your career is advanced by never taking off the tights, it's no longer about entertainment.

Kayfabe is the act of intentionally forcing a consensus illusion in order to bind group affinity. The performers adopt a framework of behavior they know to be false so that the observers can adopt a framework of observation they know to be false so that both can inhabit a world different than the one everyone else belongs to. Sure, wrestling is fake and sure, a million and a half people tune into WWE Raw every week. Those are pathetic numbers, by the way. Keep that in mind. Six million people watched The Voice and you'd forgotten that shit was still on the air. A million and a half people is Battlestar Galactica numbers. Fuckin' five million people watch Greg Guttfeld.

The second vocab word is shibboleth.

    And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was so, that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, Art thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay; Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan: and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand.

It's become popular to use "shibboleth" as "some deeply-held truth or phrase used as secret knowledge" but it's not, not at all. A shibboleth is a cultural touchstone used antagonistically against outsiders. The ones we have up here are "Puyallup" and "Sequim" and if you don't know how to say those words we will mock you. In LA it's the ground truth that In'n'Out burgers are delicious, rather than basic, and that there are no ants no matter how many you see. Sure, there are hispanic-root words that the wypepo all mispronounce the same way (lookin' at you, Los Feliz) but that shows you're white, not local. Shibboleths are cultural weapons. They are the things that the in-group agrees upon without question for the principle purpose of setting them apart from the out-group.

The whole of the Trump administration is Kayfabe. They know none of this shit is true and they don't care. They play the game this way so the audience plays the game that way and by binding each other to common knowledge exclusive from the majority they grow stronger. Wrestling is a cult; you're in or you're out and we're all out. The Trump administration is likewise a cult. You're in or you're out and holy shit, there's a lot of ex-wrestlers.

Their shibboleths are numerous but they start with the winner of the 2020 election. Disagree and there fell at the time of the Ephraimites.

THE QUOTE: I've never seen it anywhere else but in Postwar, Tony Judt credits Woodrow Wilson as telling Harry Truman "you can have justice or you can have peace. You can't have both." Here's a fun book that lays it out chapter and verse - fundamentally, the United States, under the Marshall Plan, reconstituted the whole of the Nazi industrial complex and blessed it with a Cold War star. We pay lip service to the crimes perpetrated by IG Farben and IBM but with zero exceptions, opportunistic Nazi Party members were given slaps on the wrist and allowed to retain all of the wealth they confiscated from Jews, built on the backs of Jews, and used to murder Brits, Americans and German Jews. De Jong does touch on the fact that most of the billionaires weren't genocidal maniacs, they were opportunists who saw which way the wind was blowing. Hanna Arendt made the point that Eichmann wasn't a genocidal maniac either, he was a bureaucrat who was good at bureaucracy and that he experienced extreme moral pangs from being good at his job. But he didn't stop doing it. Neither did Gunther Quandt.

Neither did Mitch McConnell.

Put the Reichstag Fire at 2016. On a nazi timeline it's 1942, the year they started gassing Jews. Or maybe we subtract the Biden years? It's 1938, then, the year of Krystallnacht, the Munich Accords and the Four Year Plan. Either way, it wasn't the Nazis that fucked the world, it was the failure of the rest of Germany to stop the Nazis. Because a lot of them knew that they'd either come out ahead? Or face no real blowback.

The kayfabers with their shibboleths are a tiny percentage of the playing field. The problem is that everyone else knows that serving as a Director of IG Farben while it's making Zyklon B is the quickest way to serve as a Director of BASF when the unconditional surrender comes through. So they smile and say Trump won 2020, that vaccines cause autism and that it's all gonna be just fine. 'cuz for them it will be. One way or another, 2028 will be like 2027 will be like 2026.

What I hang on to? Is the fact that (A) it's a tiny cult (B) that has ground everyone competent into the dust (C) being headed by a venal, senile sloth (D) who is mostly interested in praise and self-enrichment. Hitler was a true believer. He felt that if the Jews beat him they would be morally bound to exterminate the Aryans. Hitler was a zealot, Trump is a harlot. A harlot who has gotten what he wants, in every possible way - Much like McConnell overturning the Supreme Court, Trump's cup runneth over. His legacy has been cemented. What he's got is a bunch of remoras with their own agendas. Compare the past week to the first week of Trump 1: it was all about kids in cages and closing the airports to shithole countries. None of that stuff really stuck, either, it was opportunistic zealots using the momentum of the inauguration to push as hard as they could, as fast as they could, before opposition crystallized - a political "tush push" (I hate that phrase) to get the ball as far down the field as possible before everyone figures out how they feel about all this shit.

It isn't Germany. It isn't 1933. You know what it feels like? It feels like 2000, when the Supreme Court decided to give the country to the Republicans so we could all "heal." Them fuckers definitely believed that just handing shit to GWB would be better for "the country" as in, "republican country and the people who get along with them." Who's worse, Scalia or Alito? Tough call. None of this shit is great.

Mostly I'm annoyed at how Fourth Fucking Turning everything feels. At the same time, we've gotten through them all. I really don't like how often I've resorted to rationalizing how little this will all affect me because this is how Gunther Quandt happens but fuckin' hell, they voted for him. "The government you elect is the government you deserve."

usualgerman  ·  41 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don’t know why “for now” means anything. Trump has the ball. And he has 2 years before the next election to wear down the opposition. And he’s going to do the same with opposition to his other agendas. He’s going to wear people down until they get bored, get tired, run out of money, etc. and then do it anyway. And I think anyone who believes he’d back down is an idiot. His game has always been do something provocative, let his enemies vent their spleen until the6 look crazy, then do some slightly less terrible version of what he wants to do.

It works because most ordinary people simply don’t have the wherewithal to continually fight on multiple fronts at all times. And so eventually most of the protestors will accept a symbolic win “yay us, Trump hasn’t declared martial law yet!” Ignoring that his state of emergency allows him to do a lot of tge stuff he wants to do anyway. “Yay! We got some funding through!” But most of it is still cut off and we don’t know for certain if the appeals will go his way. But people have lives to live, bills, kids have baseball games and dance recitals, and damn the Chiefs rock. The media will eventually get over Trump’s being Trump because everyone else is exhausted by it. Who wants to hear about Trump doing something else?

kleinbl00  ·  40 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    And I think anyone who believes he’d back down is an idiot.


    then do some slightly less terrible version of what he wants to do.

Pssst that's called "backing down."

The tactic is well-known to Kremlinologists; for decades, the Russian method of negotiation is

- Demand the sun, moon and stars

- Settle for the sun

- Claim your right to the sun and moon

- Attempt to steal the stars

The Trump administration isn't half as good at it, though. What they actually got in the first administration was... nothing. A Republican congress got massive tax cuts (and Paul Ryan noped out immediately after); a Republican congress got three Supreme Court justices. The Trump administration caved like a mutherfucker to the American Rescue Plan and before you scoff, when fuckin' Matt Stoller is left speechless by all the liberal and anti-trust giveaways in any congressional proposal you know it's massive.

"For now" means anything because the basic method of negotiation is "steal everything, keep what you can" and "keep what you can" is something the first Trump administration sucked balls at. Outside of personal enrichment, of course. The big move of the first Trump administration was all about making Team Trump rich and the second Trump administration is the same only brasher. Think back on it - outside of constant liberal outrage, what permanent, lasting effects did the Trump administration have?

- They recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel which should have outraged Hamas and Hizbollah, but neither did a goddamn thing.

- They killed Soleimani, which I figured would unleash a massive wave of terrorist reprisals and instead we got fuckall.

- They got Israel and Saudi Arabia to sit down, which got flights from Riyadh to Tel Aviv for the first time.

- They gave up on Afghanistan and still managed to blame the Biden administration for it.

But if you think that was Jared Kushner rather than MBS and Netanyahu you aren't paying attention. The lasting global impact of Trump 1 was to let the biggest elbows in the Middle East sort themselves out.

    And he has 2 years before the next election to wear down the opposition.

And how'd that work last time? (1) Trump runs on "deport everybody" (2) talking heads point to polls pointing out that Americans luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv deportation (3) Trump has to come up with a methodology for "deporting everybody" (4) talking heads point to polls pointing out that less than 20% of Americans favor using the military (4) Trump moves on to annexing Greenland because it looks big on a mercator projection

Liberals love to bitch about the kids in cages without pausing to reflect on all the Obama-era policies that enabled it. That's the reason we got stuck with it - our elected officials voted for it because we wanted them to. The laws around deportation and immigration are bipartisanly shitty, no matter how hard Stephen Miller wants to put his dick-lookin' face in front of it. And that's why "for now" means something: American politics, in the words of Ross Douthat, are governed more by custom than by law... and the Trump Administration is all about shattering customs. As such, every move they make is some form of testing the strength of customs.

    It works because most ordinary people simply don’t have the wherewithal to continually fight on multiple fronts at all times.

Most ordinary people disapprove of congress. Thus, most congressmen get elected on "I'm fighting that guy you hate more." Thus does politics get ever more polarized, thus does Congress change hands every two years. Trump was elected because of inflation, which is very difficult for disinterested Americans to ignore. Trump will do nothing about inflation, which will be pointed out in every economic report from now until 2028. Find me a political ethos stronger than "throw the bums out" in these United States, I dare you.