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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  97 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dear Joe, it’s time to go

    It's hard to really know what the context for the "bloodbath" comment was.
it’s not hard at all. The speech is available to watch in full context. Free yourself from “clips.”

    I'm no lib, I'm an independent, probably socialist-dem, who feels that the most effective way to defeat the fascism element is voting dem right now

One of the key tenets of fascism is the forcible suppression of opposition. Right now the DNC that you’re supporting is litigating to keep Kennedy and Cornell west off of the ballot in my state. The board of electors here is all dem. They’ve agreed to not certify the signatures for Kennedy and west. They have certified the ability for the right leaning independent candidates though. Odd. Also, they’ve denied Kennedy secret service protection even though he has double digit support, credible threats to his safety etc. Furthermore they agreed to debate outside of the purview of the debate commission, colluding with CNN to set criteria for exclusion tailored to keep indoor dent candidates off of the stage.

Furthermore, they ostracized any candidate that dared to primary Biden, effectively ending any opposition. Thereby stealing your right to choose your democratic candidate. Now, I suspect, they will wait until the last minute to choose their candidate (with no input from you or any other constituents).

Who are the facists here?

Biden may come across as a gentle grandpa but he’s a war monger. And he’s senile. A dangerous combo.

I feel amazing re my support for Kennedy. At 19% nationally now. The tide will turn. And if it doesn’t, I’ll remain proud of my support for him. To vote for either Biden or Trump is to vote against your own personal liberties.