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comment by spencerflem
spencerflem  ·  103 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dear Joe, it’s time to go

I'll add- even without the medias spin,

Biden giving a competent interview is about the least exciting story ever. So just from like a , what's fun to talk about point of view , its starting from a bad place.

am_Unition  ·  97 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It is post-debate day #15.

I think it's officially Joever. The "pivotal press conference" headline is a fine example. It would be against the current rules of American pol pundits to say "he talked ok", even though he did, and even considering the use of teleprompter. The pundit class has found a way, simultaneously, to split the dems nearly down the middle on the presidential nominee while also keeping the substance of Biden's speeches almost entirely sidelined. Flip-side of the same-thing: Trump confidently lied throughout the entire debate and has been well-rewarded for it.

Yeah, Biden got Gaza-Israel suuuuuper wrong, but the NATO tack is.. more than mostly OK. Which is a pretty goddamn glowing endorsement from me, when scaled to statements I typically make on geopolitics.

I don't want to abandon our European (and other!) allies. They don't deserve it.

But yeah, the NATO speech doesn't matter. It just doesn't. That's how this works. The NYTimes did publish a 5,000-word essay on why Trump shouldn't run a couple days ago, but the damage is done.

No I'm sure the media would treat Kamala fairly and make any arguments against her in good faith (>release X to stop lying)

edit: Oh yeah, btw, spence, we got another "experts say" in the screencap headlines, it's been less than two or three weeks since the last one. God, that and "critics claim" is practically essing fascist dee, at this point

edit2: meanwhile >miffed shrug emoji

edit3: too good not to chronicle today's WaPo spread: