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comment by mk
mk  ·  111 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: June 26, 2024

Hope the DNC gets themselves a new ticket. I’ve been the annoying chicken little with family and friends warning about what happened last night.

Related, I feel like the internet, the median and social part of it, is mostly bad for people. We read and debate garbage all the time. It adapts to us, and attempts to make us incorrect. I’m deleting apps and spending less time on it.

b_b  ·  111 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Did you watch? I haven't been able to bring myself to watch a Trump debate since the infamous Clinton stalking debacle. And throwing Biden into the mix just doesn't increase my enthusiasm, believe it or not. The analysts this morning are pretty blah on Trump but down right killing Biden.

mk  ·  111 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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mk  ·  111 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yes. I watched. It was a bloodbath. Biden came out of the gate with a stumbling non-sequitur that ended with him saying he stopped medicare. It didn’t get much better. He’s clearly in mental decline.


Those can’t be non-partisan analysts.

am_Unition  ·  111 days ago  ·  link  ·  


"Thank you president Trump, now I'd like to ask president Biden about his position on something entirely unrelated"

We learned 8 years ago what a fascist will do in a "neutral" setting like that. It is media complicity. Simple as.

I'd rather vote for a small, empty, brown paper bag than Doanld Trump.

Biden's age is a thing, obviously. What, do you think the DNC experienced the same thing recently, like with a dem Senator? Maybe from California? Or something? The thing about Weekend at Bernie's is that Sanders is doing great, ironically, but pretty much every other dem geriatric is an uh-oh. (edit: Schumer is ok sometimes) It'd be really nice if Biden stepped down, but he won't. Sucks. I think he might step down a year or two into his next term, but I don't think he'll make it back into office. gulp

Also seems like the MAGA coup of SCOTUS is almost officially complete. Neato. With Chevron gone, so much for the entire backbone of environmental regulations, apparently. edit2: Anything that relies on deferring to expertise in legislative enforcement is now potentially gonna go through a federal judge? I guess they're not busy.? lol some guy on twitter who specialized in conservative Chevron doctrine in law school is pretty pissed off. Holy hell I cannot wait for the presidential immunity ruling on Monday. Guys: it is going. to. be. nutzo. The SCOTUS right-wing has already proven to themselves that they are beyond consequence.