but like, i see job listings i applied for 2 years ago still open. my sister has been dealing with awful management at HER massage/spa receptionist job. somehow getting fucked by a faceless company of rentseekers serfing me out to the SSA still feels better than getting micromanaged by a small business tyrant having said that i would love to have a real, nonfake job, where your coworkers and govt liaisons aren't baffled by your company's incompetence in scheduling and communication. i know we have some michigan business owners on hubski - y'all hiring? I'm good at doing real work at fake jobs and fake work at real jobs so my bases are covered. forget everything i said about the small business thing earlier
How good are you at being present 40 hrs a week plus 16 hours mandatory overtime from 230-11 every day? Boeing in Seattle is hiring for like 16-22/hr that will pay for gas and a car to live in. Maybe a shared room after overtime. Brown Bear car wash is paying 22 but the hours probably under 32.