I could see it going this way: 1) Actual prosecutions and convictions against Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, Enrique Tarrio (who is probably an informant, and likely already has a deal), Alex Jones, Roger Stone and anyone else with a front-row seat to insurrection followed by 2) Amnesty and a nominal period of probation in exchange for a guilty plea of misdemeanor trespassing subject to revocation in the event of future felonies. Yes, the country needs to heal. But our neoliberal white globalist koom bay ya protestant upbringing is the only one in the world that truly believes there should never be retribution, vengeance or retaliation for violent acts. The dumb wandering fucks need to be tagged if not bagged, if for no other reason than to sniff their assholes as they wander around buying freedom frog penis pills from each other. Are they a proximate threat to democracy? No, but they sure do adulate those who are. Letting that sort of sentiment skate has never ended well.