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comment by goobster
goobster  ·  720 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Game Are You Playing?

Well, Fallout 76 is routine now. I can do a full run of the game and big events in an hour.

With Cyberpunk I'm deep into a story, nowhere to pause or save, and have to just keep going for 2-3 hours until the story ends, or lose all my progress. I realize I'm close to the cliff here, where I can just run missions and progress the story at my own pace... but I'm not there yet.

I get the feeling that the appearance of Keanu just indicates the end of the "training modules", and now I'm getting into the real meat of the game. Save opportunities may be more prevalent once I get into the "real game" part of the game.

But Cyberpunk is also very dialog-heavy... and I get interrupted a lot when playing games. That's a little bit frustrating, and probably explains why it took me so long to get through the training stuff, and to Keanu...

I do love the look and feel of the game, though! This is one I do want to put more time into.

kleinbl00  ·  720 days ago  ·  link  ·  

...you save by hitting the save button
