Just to clarify. None of the things I mentioned should be home made. I am not aware of anyone that makes them at home. They are all store bought and from your comment, I understand why. I shall never attempt making any 🤣🤣 But, there are some other cookies that are home made and easier to make. You know, those type of cookies your grandma makes once fot Christmas in a big batch and sends them to her grandchildren. The typical examples are Vanille Kipferl, Kokosmakronen and Zimtstrene. My favourite are the Kokosmakronen, which are basically whipped egg whites with sugar and coconut pieces. If done correctly (and not over baked) they are crispy on the outside and fluffy inside. I find it interesting that the German heritage is so deeply kept or acknowledged in your family. Is that typical in the states that these traditions are kept?
Again, my mother hates the Germans with a blinding passion. It may be vaguely related to her Jewish heritage (which she's always paid lip service to) and the barely-remembered hardships of WWII (she was born a month before Pearl Harbor) but mostly I think she needs someone to hate. A family's christmas cookies are treasured by some, certainly not by everyone. Lots of people have no fucking clue how to bake. Among those who do bake, "secret family recipes" are generally things that are supposedly held close but actually shared far and wide as a point of pride. no one has ever asked anyone else for a bizcochito recipe, and our cookies were universally unpopular among those who tried them. They're f'n terrible. I would say the "typical" christmas cookie in the united states is an undifferentiated sugar cookie with amateurish frosting. That's probably why we were never allowed to make or enjoy them. As a reminder, my mother is mentally ill. Has been my entire life. Having inherited the family photos and documentation (entirely by accident) I can say with no uncertainty that my dead uncle was clearly bipolar, my grandfather was clearly bipolar, my grandfather had at least one bipolar brother and my great great grandmother was bipolar. Asking me about normie shit ain't necessarily gonna end well. ;-)