I would like to think "short Facebook" would be a good position going into the Brave New World. I suppose that depends on the will of the invisible hand to control the market being stronger than the will of the tech titans to control the regulators. My guess is the minute this starts hurting FB et al's bottom line they'll all be clamoring about fairness.
George Gilder - Discovery Institute, Supply-Side Economics, American Spectator George Gilder - wrote a whole book about it. His basic thesis is "monopolies are fucked because you can't monopolize the blockchain." They can clamor about "fairness" all they want. that's the thing - fairness is baked into the blockchain. It's an algorithm. They can say "restrict our social network to people who give up all all all of their data" and someone else can say "show anonymized Facebook posts without any personal data" and suddenly Facebook can either wall their shit off from the public or come up with a new business model. I moved a whole server from Google Cloud Platform to DigitalOcean with three button clicks a couple weeks ago. Porting the fuck out of Facebook or whatever is gonna be pretty goddamn simple - "c-ya guyz this place sux click here to reconnect on Nosebook" and that's that. The incentive to do so? Gonna be up to capitalism. But if your choices are "facebook's rules" or "everyone else's rules" Facebook has a lot of incentive to clean up their rules or go extinct.