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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  1134 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Is that ship still stuck?

    Joe Weisenthal is the executive editor of news for Bloomberg Digital. He is also the co-anchor of “What’d You Miss?”, Bloomberg Television’s flagship markets program, as well as Bloomberg’s “Odd Lots” podcast.

The man has resting "don't get it, don't care" face

orbat  ·  1134 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh dear it's worse than I thought. At this point I'm fairly sure he was serious

kleinbl00  ·  1134 days ago  ·  link  ·  

People I follow in Twitter follow him. His thoughts are a sterling example of Poe's Law; I figure if Andy Kaufman and Norm Macdonald didn't advertise themselves as comedians you'd wonder too.

But then, if Tucker Carlson had better timing he'd be funnier than Stephen Colbert.

    Oh dear it's worse than I thought. At this point I'm fairly sure he was serious

Joe Wiesenthal puts me through this thought process a couple times a month and I don't even follow the d00d. Ostensibly he knows markets. But he's got hot takes like this on crypto, bonds, equities, tariffs, pie, eggs, you name it.