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comment by thenewgreen

I'm not sure what is meant by, "the absolute least." Sometimes having and standing by your convictions may seem like a small effort, but it's anything but. In the face of a tremendous amount of pressure, Romney was the sole GOP vote to convict Trump in the first impeachment and only one of 6 to do so after the insurrection. I don't agree with many of his policy proposals but I admire that he is a man of conviction. Some of those convictions differ from my own, but at least he has them. This is more than I could say for many politicians, of both parties. So many sheeple.

A lot of people forget that he's the guy that implemented healthcare reform in Massachusetts, a move that in many ways has lead to millions of Americans being covered. Is he a mormon? Yes. Is mormonism weird? No weirder than any other organized religion, imo. If Romney had been the GOP candidate in the pervious election I would have considered voting for him. I would have still voted Biden, but I would have at least considered it. Anyways, I would amend the tweet thus:

    I love how Mitt Romney reappears once every three months to outshine the entire Republican Party by having convictions and reasonable ideas.

psychoticmilkman  ·  1138 days ago  ·  link  ·  
psychoticmilkman  ·  1091 days ago  ·  link  ·