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comment by c_hawkthorne
c_hawkthorne  ·  1244 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 9, 2020

My long-term care facilities should be getting vaccine within two weeks. There's a stupid amount of questions outstanding and I'm pretty sure there will be absolutely no guidance for any of them and I won't be able to help my people. It's not fun.

But there's so so so much relief at these facilities. I'm hoping my job is obsolete in a few months. Like yeah employment is cool and all, but so is no covid. Realistically if all goes well vaccination rates will be high among residents and staff and then rates of disease will be super low and I'll be able to focus on a lot more beyond just the facilities. Likely that means painfully repetitive investigations, but if that's what it takes to ensure my people finally get some damn rest after running on 250% for almost a year, so be it. I think we're moving in that direction and I'm so happy.

Update 12/17 - state provided some guidance so I was partially wrong and I quite pleased about it. Not full guidance, but every little bit helps.